Sunday, September 29, 2019

Terry Fox!

On Friday, the students and staff at RBES took part in the Terry Fox walk in memory of our Canadian Hero. In class, we read a short biography about Terry Fox and the students worked on pulling out and highlighting important information.


We started learning about "nouns" (person, place or thing). This will help them understand the parts of a complete sentence. The students completed a variety of activities and added to their Language Notebook.

We talked about the changes that happen during Fall. The students were given a variety of resources, such as images and a collection of books, to help them describe fall and sort the changes under the five senses (see, touch, smell, taste and sound). Using their ideas, we created a class chart for them to use in their writing. We talked about paragraph writing and how to write a topic sentence, details and a conclusion. To organize their thoughts, we used coloured strips of paper. The students started with a topic sentence which we called their "GO" sentence and wrote it on a green strip of paper. They also had some time to start their details which they wrote on yellow sentence strips. We will continue working on this writing project next week!

We used some class time to focus on reviewing short vowel sounds. Please help your child practice their words each week. 



We spent a bit of time working on reviewing decreasing number patterns. The students also took part in the SLA (Student Learning Assessment) which is done at the beginning of Grade 3. This is a provincial assessment based on Grade 2 curriculum outcomes. This week the students completed the numeracy performance task and the digital interactive numeracy questions. I have attached a link if you would like to read more about this assessment. (If you scroll to the bottom of the page you will see a quick link for parents.)


The students were so excited to finally spend some time testing their rocks. Before they started, they made predictions about the size, weight, hardness and whether it would sink or float. While exploring he different properties, they filled out a testing activity sheet.

The students seems super eager about the Amazing Race Home Reading Program. One student has already reached 600 minutes and flew to the next stop! Way to go!!!

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