Sunday, January 26, 2020

Skating Week...

WOW! The students sure had a blast on the ice! They enjoyed some free skating time with their friends while practicing their skills.

Thank you to all of the parents who came to help tie skates and were brave enough to get on the ice with these kiddos! It was GREATLY appreciated!

A BIG THANK YOU to the NAX coaches and players for organizing activities and helping some of our new skaters on the ice. 


The students have been doing some research about the devastating fires in Australia and how they have affected the citizens and animals in the area. They have been working on a slideshow presentation for their classmates and other grades around the school. Each group picked an animal that has been affected by the wildfires and found information about their appearance, habitat, food and some interesting facts. 

The students also worked on some posters to display around the school and presented information at the school wide assembly!


This week, we read a story called "The Most Perfect Snowman". This heartwarming story about kindness almost brought some of the kids to tears.

After reading the story, the students played a game of "Throw a Little Kindness" and made a list of kind things they could do. Then they sketched their "perfect" snowman and using scraps of paper, pieced it together for a writing project they will be completing next week.

Throughout the year, the students have been working on writing proper sentences and editing their own work. To help them with the editing process, they learned CUPS, which is an acronym for capitalization, understanding, punctuation and spelling. They practiced editing a few sentences on whiteboards before doing them together as a class. 


The students have been working really hard on their regrouping skills. This week, we moved onto three digit addition with regrouping. We worked together practicing questions each day and they tried some independently.


This week we focused on learning about how our ears work and exploring different parts of the ear.  After labeling a diagram of the ear, the students made their own model ear drum to demonstrate how sound waves travel. They were pretty amazed to see the rice start to bounce while they banged on the drum!