We started off the week by reading "I Need My Monster" by Amanda Noll. The students continued adding to our class list of adjectives (juicy words) to use for their writing. They also watched a short video of the book to inspire them before drawing their own monsters.
Here is the link to the video if you would like to watch it at home with your child.
After illustrating their monster, they used a graphic organizer to write down any words to describe their drawing. They were asked to think about the senses and use words about the feel, smell, sound and what it looks like. They also had the opportunity to sit with a friend and talk about their monster so they could get suggestions of what they might have missed. Next week, they will begin writing their paragraph using their graphic organizer to help them.
We started our new unit on Place Value. The students worked on identifying the place value of two and three digit numbers.
They also learned a new card game to help them understand place value.
We reviewed cardinal directions and completed a few activities related to the compass rose. We also learned about the continents and the students labeled and coloured a map of the world.
The students completed their second STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) challenge! After persevering through the apple raft activity in September and seeing all of the creative ideas, problem solving and teamwork that took place, we decided it would be a great idea to try to fit in a STEM challenge each month. For October, the students were asked to create a monster using a list of materials. The only criteria was that they had to make the monster stand on its own. Some of the groups found this STEM activity much more challenging but nobody gave up and there was a lot of problem solving through trial and error.
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