Sunday, February 16, 2020

Valentine's Day

At the beginning of the week, the students worked on creating their Monster Valentine's Day boxes in preparation for the party. They were busy painting and using a variety of materials to build the perfect mailbox.

They had a great time delivering mail to all of their classmates!

Thank you to all of the parents who sent in food for our party!

The students completed a Valentine's Day STEM project. They were challenged to build a candy dispenser using two toilet paper rolls, 30cm of tin foil, 30cm of tape, markers and scissors. After designing their dispenser on paper and labeling their drawings, they were given their materials to start their task. It's amazing to see how creative and engaged they are during these challenges.

We also participated in our annual RBES Skip-a-thon for Jump Rope for Heart. The students practiced a variety of skipping skills all week during PE and then rotated through stations on Friday.


The student completed their "In My Heart" writing project by creating a background with symbols to represent the emotion they picked. They turned out wonderful and some of the students even went down to the office to share them with the staff.

After reading "Don't Need Friends" by Carolyn Crimi, the students started working on a "Friends" poetry project. We started by reading the poem, "Friends" by Jessica Crum. The students were asked to read each stanza and guess the covered word. They did a great job coming up with a variety of words that would fit into the poem.

Then the students were asked to create a web, brainstorming activities they like to do with friends. They picked their top four and then made a list of things they need for the activity. Next week, they will work on writing their four stanzas to complete their "Friends" poem.

We continued using the CUPS (capitalization, understanding, punctuation and spelling) acronym to write sentences using their spelling list this week. They also used their words and put them in alphabetical order.

The students enjoyed some Buddy Reading with 3D! A perfect opportunity to read a book with friends.


This week, we started working on regrouping to subtract two digit numbers. To understand regrouping, they began by drawing base ten blocks and then worked towards stacking and subtracting.


The students did a fabulous job on their instrument projects! They enjoyed presenting them to the class by playing us a little tune, explaining how it was made and demonstrating how to change the pitch and volume. The students also had the opportunity to get together with their classmates and perform a short song for us.


We started reading about culture in Tunisia. The students are working in partners to create a Google Slide presentation with facts and information they find online and in the textbook.


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