Sunday, November 24, 2019

Wellness Day!

The students spent the afternoon participating in a variety of activities related to "body", "mind", "fun" and "food". The students were placed into mixed grade level groups and will be with the same friends as they rotate through the twelve sessions over the three Wellness Days throughout the year.


Exciting  news! I have partnered up with a teacher in Vancouver, BC to provide the students with a Pen Pal experience. They were so thrilled to receive their first letter and share it with their peers. Next week, we will be writing back to our new friends and answering all of the questions they had for us. 

We started a new writing project called "All About Me" which will continue throughout the year. The students will be writing six diary entries from a given list of topics. They will be using proper paragraph format, writing a topic sentence, five details and a concluding sentence. These paragraphs will be typed and after they have been edited, they will be printed and illustrated. 

Now that the students have a good understanding of what nouns are and how they are used in a sentence, we have started to focus on verbs. After watching a short video, the students came up with a definition of what a verb is and worked together to compile a list of examples. The next day, they searched for task cards placed around the room. Each task card contained one sentence in which the students had to read and find the verb in each. 


We started comparing two and three digit numbers and reviewed the greater than, less than signs. The students also worked on putting numbers in order from smallest to greatest and greatest to smallest.


Now that we have finished our unit on mapping and geography, we will begin studying four new cultures in Social Studies. To introduce two new concepts, the students were given envelopes with a variety of pictures. In partners, they were asked to sort the pictures into two groups and then label and give an explanation for their sorting. They came up with some very creative ideas (expensive and not expensive, verbs and nouns, things found inside and things found outside, things we buy and things nature makes) before finally discovering that they were pictures of needs vs wants. As a class, we defined these words and related them to what they mean when we talk about quality of life. They also worked in partners to create posters of these two concepts using magazines to cut out pictures of needs and wants. 

Before "flying" to India, we learned a few quick facts about the country and reviewed where it is in relation to us. We talked about the currency, language and the students started their booklets.


In preparation for the upcoming Christmas Concert, each class is creating a piece of art to decorate the gym. We are working on a Rudolph project using oil pastels. 




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