Sunday, January 19, 2020

Deep Freeze...

Well, we tried to make the best of the chilly weather. Spending an entire week inside made for a very long five days, but the students had a lot of recess time to play some board games and a few of them found a new love for puzzles!


The students started working on their own version of "Snowmen at Night". We also read two new stories to get some more creativity and ideas flowing if they needed it. After writing their "sloppy" copies, they wrote and illustrated a mini book. The students were asked to try to edit their own work for proper sentences, capitalization and punctuation. 

The students were given the letters a, e, o, s, s, l, k, f, n, w to complete a Making Words activity. After finding 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 letter words, they discovered the mystery word was SNOWFLAKES.

We caught up on some of our cursive writing by learning how to form the letters Tt and Uu.



This week, we learned how to add two digits with regrouping. The students caught on very quickly and practiced numerous questions until they became experts at regrouping. We also started three digit addition, without regrouping. 


After watching a few videos, we finished filling in our Hearing and Sound vocabulary definitions. We also talked about our vocal cords and how they vibrate. The students loved participating in the game "Telephone". They were asked to speak clearly and cup their hands, amplifying their whispers and ensuring the sound waves went into their friend's ear. 

The students were also asked to bring a "Secret Sound" to school in an opaque container. They all did a great job and some of their sounds were very tricky to guess.


After watching a few videos about how snowflakes are made, the students worked on designing their own symmetrical shapes. Knowing that snowflakes are only six sides, the students tried their best to create them this way but we quickly learned that it is difficult to draw them evenly. Some chose to represent their design using eight sides for this activity. After practicing on scrap paper, they picked their favourite snowflake to draw onto watercolour paper using white pastel. Using pink, blue and purple water colour paint, the students covered their snowflake, the paint resisting the oil pastels. While their paper was still wet, they sprinkled salt onto their project creating a frosty look.



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